Young Moe
100% hand-painted oil painting reproduction on canvas of Paul Klee's painting, Young Moe. It has been perfectly recreated brushstroke by brushstroke by our talented artist. We not only reproduce every detail of the original painting, but to capture its soul.
Paul Klee was a Swiss painter of German nationality. His highly individual style was influenced by movements in art that included expressionism, cubism, and surrealism. He was, as well, a student of orientalism. Klee was a natural draftsman who experimented with and eventually mastered color theory, and wrote extensively about it; his lectures on form and design theory, published in English as the Paul Klee Notebooks, are considered so important for modern art that are compared to the importance that Leonardo's A Treatise on Painting had for Renaissance. He and his friend, the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, both taught at the German Bauhaus school of art and architecture. His works reflect his dry humor and his sometimes child-like perspective, his personal moods and beliefs, and his musicality.
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Young Moe
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Paul Klee
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Happy Father's Day, Vintage Baseball Player
oil paintings, oil paintings
reproductions, handmade oil paintings
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Happy Father's Day, Vintage Baseball Player
Art Reproductions, handmade
Happy Father's Day, Vintage Baseball Player
oil paintings