Tropical Waterfall II
Vivian Flasch puts the heart in art. Striving to convey a warm, soft feeling, as well as her love of painting, Flasch hides a heart shape in each of her works. She paints inviting florals, still lifes, landscapes, portraits and murals with both oil and acrylics, in a style that varies from contemporary to traditional Realism. The Kentucky native believes painting is the perfect teacher, educating her about art and the world’s beauty. Flasch has won numerous awards, and her work is featured on hatboxes, nightlights, tapestries, note cards, needlework, puzzles, photo albums and journals.
Oil Painting Reproduction on Canvas - Item number:
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Tropical Waterfall II
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painting, wholesale oil painting,
Vivian Flasch
oil painting,
oil painting,
Gothic Bridge, Central Park, New York City
oil paintings, oil paintings
reproductions, handmade oil paintings
on Canvas,
Gothic Bridge, Central Park, New York City
Art Reproductions, handmade
Gothic Bridge, Central Park, New York City
oil paintings