225 out over 5,000 of the top names in all of art history, ARC has tracked who people like and visit the most, The results are sure to shock you and to shake up the art world and all of the preconceived notions the Modernist propaganda machine has tried so hard to establish for decades
Karen Dupré works in a myriad of styles, all of which share the common threads of talent and creativity. Originally from California, Dupré is a self-taught artist who began painting at age 9. Initially inspired by her love of horses, she later painted haute-couture figures, abstracts, idyllic nature scenes, cityscapes and still lifes. She excels at portraying the play of light in both nature and man-made objects. Drawing inspiration from 19th-century painters Klimt, Monet, Remington and Renoir, who reshaped artistic ideals, Dupré aspires to do the same with her diverse styles
Oil Painting Reproduction on Canvas - Item number: 244
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