Rendezvous 1
Rabi Khan creates sensual works that swirl and undulate in pools of soft, fluid colors and shapes. Born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Khan pursued an education and art career throughout Bangladesh and North America, working as a junior artist for an advertising firm, an art director of a journal of arts and literature, and a graphic artist. His flowing, digital impressionism sprang from a childhood fascination with drawing in sand and soil, the effects of oil on water, and geometric, futuristic figures. Already a successful artist, the pregnancy of Khan’s wife also had a profound effect upon his artwork.
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Rendezvous 1
Oil Painting Story:
Oil Painting Reproduction on Canvas - Item number:
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Rendezvous 1
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painting, wholesale oil painting,
Rabi Khan
oil painting,
Canyons & Mesas
oil painting,
Mist in Kanab Canyon, Utah, 1892
oil paintings, oil paintings
reproductions, handmade oil paintings
on Canvas,
Mist in Kanab Canyon, Utah, 1892
Art Reproductions, handmade
Mist in Kanab Canyon, Utah, 1892
oil paintings