Mona Lisa, Detail of Her Hands, circa 1503 06
Eonardo da vinci(1452-1519). The first place painter of Italy Renaissance. He is one deep , erudite , be gifted in many
ways art of thought great master , science great master , writer of literary theory, important philosopher , engineer and
inventor. He has all made gigantic contribution out nearly in every field. That descendant's scholar says he is the most
consummate "Renaissance times representative"is one "remarkable talent of many ages ".
Leonardo da vinci is that human being is sapiential symbol, he nourishes the boundless ideal as deities, US who tries to create the world again, make an explanation the world profound mystery.
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Mona Lisa, Detail of Her Hands, circa 1503 06
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Eonardo da vinci
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oil painting,
Mona Lisa, Detail of Her Hands, circa 1503 06
oil paintings, oil paintings
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on Canvas,
Mona Lisa, Detail of Her Hands, circa 1503 06
Art Reproductions, handmade
Mona Lisa, Detail of Her Hands, circa 1503 06
oil paintings