Judaic Symbol, Prayer Shawl, Tallit
When Keith Levit travels to take photos, he also journeys into the heart, spirit and soul of his subjects. Specializing in landscape, architectural, lifestyle and environmental portraits, Levit got his start 25 years ago when his father gave him a second-hand camera and he won a photo contest. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Levit has traveled extensively throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America to capture the beauty, drama and mysteries of their land, animals and cultures. His work, in which he strives to merge photography with art, is amassed in a collection of over 100,000 images distributed by photographic agencies throughout the world.
Oil Painting Reproduction on Canvas - Item number:
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Judaic Symbol, Prayer Shawl, Tallit
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oil painting keyword:oil
painting, wholesale oil painting,
Keith Levit
oil painting,
oil painting,
Old Rose
oil paintings, oil paintings
reproductions, handmade oil paintings
on Canvas,
Old Rose
Art Reproductions, handmade
Old Rose
oil paintings