225 out over 5,000 of the top names in all of art history, ARC has tracked who people like and visit the most, The results are sure to shock you and to shake up the art world and all of the preconceived notions the Modernist propaganda machine has tried so hard to establish for decades
A leading French Post-Impressionist, Paul Cezanne bridged the way from 19th century Impressionism to a revolutionary new world of 20th century Cubism. Both Matisse and Picasso are quoted saying Cezanne was “the father of us all.” Although his radical departures were underappreciated and even ridiculed in his time, Cezenne’s studies of visual perception, geometric simplification, and experimentation with complex fractured forms kept his style changing significantly over his lifetime. Cezanne was an eccentric, solitary enigma, often working in isolation, removed even from his own family.
Oil Painting Reproduction on Canvas - Item number: 955
oil painting url from : Bridge Over Ther Marne at Creteil, 1888 [Copy Link]
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Why settle for a paper print when you can own a real handmade oil painting on canvas? Order your handmade reproduction of Closeup of an Arrow Crab, Malapascua Island, Philippines today!
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